do whitaker

Prostate Cancer

Survivor Spotlight: Don Whitaker

Don Whitaker Keeps Active Lifestyle During Prostate Cancer Treatment and 15 Years in Survivorship.

Don Whitaker is a self-professed “health nut” and square dance caller who completed radiation treatment for prostate cancer 15 years ago. Don’s son, a surgeon in New York, always helped him with his annual physicals and made sure he was taking care of himself. It was his son who told him he had prostate cancer, but also not to worry. And it was his son who had heard of proton therapy and Bill Mendenhall, MD, FACR, from the University of Florida.

Don shared that his son often recommended that his patients research proton therapy before starting any treatments to see if it could be a part of their treatment plan. His son even called and helped set him up with the consultation with Dr. Bill, as his patients affectionately call him. Don feels like proton therapy “was the best thing I ever did!” It has been his passion to share his experience and how he had no side effects from day one.

He stayed in a hotel along the St. Johns River in downtown Jacksonville during treatment, and he felt well enough to go home on weekends to Central Florida. On the weekends, he called for square dances and the people around him never knew that he was being treated for cancer. “I never missed a beat!” said Don.

During the week, he walked the River Walk to the YMCA, worked out and walked back. Staying active made all the difference. He encouraged others to get out and be active and saw how much of a difference it made for them physically and mentally throughout treatment.

“Passing the mic around at the patient lunches was the best thing we ever had,” said Don. The connections he made while he was at the UF Health Proton Therapy Institute made a lasting impression on him. He continues to encourage those he meets to learn more about proton therapy if they or anyone they love is diagnosed with cancer.

Today, 15 years later, Don continues to work full time at his pest control business and call square dancing anytime he can. “I am so blessed that I can do what I can do!”


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