kama anderson

Brain Tumor

Survivor Spotlight:
Kama Anderson

Kama Anderson is Resilient Despite Multiple Craniotomies Within Two Years

Kama Anderson shares her journey battling a meningioma so that others know what to look for if they have similar symptoms, and because while not labeled as a cancer, a meningioma is just as dangerous. It also requires surgery, radiation and other cancer treatment methods.

What is a Meningioma?

A meningioma is a tumor that grows from the membranes that surround the brain and spinal cord, called the meninges. As Kama knows, her tumor, while not defined as brain cancer, was still dangerous and threatened the functionality of her brain. A meningioma may press on the nearby brain, nerves and vessels.

Meningioma is the most common type of tumor that forms in the head and is more common in older women.

Most meningiomas don’t grow back once removed. Unfortunately, Kama’s case was abnormal, and her tumor was aggressive and grew back.

Kama Faces Multiple Surgeries While Remaining Hopeful 

In March 2022, Kama noticed a bump near her temple. “It seemed to show up overnight,” she said. She scheduled an appointment with her physician who sent her for imaging. The MRI showed a meningioma, and she was scheduled for a craniotomy to remove the tumor.

In December 2022, Kama noticed a tender spot on her temple again. She returned to the doctor and underwent an ultrasound and MRI. Once the imaging was reviewed, Kama received devastating and unusual news. Her tumor had returned at about the same size and very close to the site of her original tumor.

In May 2023, Kama was scheduled for her second craniotomy. During her follow-up, her care team discussed radiation for treatment. It was recommended to debulk the tumor because it was close to her eyes and sinuses – a third craniotomy. On June 3, Kama went for the debulking procedure with an eye surgeon. Debulking a tumor is the surgical removal of as much of a tumor as possible. Tumor debulking may increase the chance that chemotherapy or radiation therapy will kill all the tumor cells.

Finding Proton Therapy

Evan, Kama’s husband, began to research radiation treatment options and discovered proton therapy. He believed Kama would benefit from proton therapy because of her tumor’s location near her eye and sinuses. Proton therapy delivers more precise radiation to the tumor and creates less damage to surrounding tissues. Her oncologist and care team at home also advocated for proton therapy for Kama and helped guide all her treatment decisions. Before Kama came to the UF Health Florida Proton Institute for treatment, she underwent a fourth craniotomy to remove as much of the tumor as possible before receiving proton therapy

Residing in Jacksonville for Treatment and Finding Peace

Kama and Evan found Jacksonville a soothing place to receive treatment and heal. They also found the services at the Institute helpful in making both the treatment and living in a new city for two months comforting.

“The staff was really great. Dr. Bryant was informative and helpful,” said Kama. She also found Mary at the front desk especially welcoming.

The Andersons took advantage of the many social events at the Institute and made the most of their time in Florida. Kama felt well enough during her weeks of treatment, so they went on weekend trips and enjoyed walks each night along the river. Kama loves to walk and enjoyed the sunset views along the river each evening.

The Andersons shared this advice for future patients, “Get a hotel for the first few days, then look around to see what housing works best for you. Look at the housing list and see where would make you most comfortable.”

They chose a short-term rental in San Marco and enjoyed the local restaurants and close proximity to the Institute. Kama took advantage of the free shuttle service to get to and from her treatments while her husband worked from their temporary home.

The couple also enjoyed the social gatherings at the Institute, like the luncheons and tours. One of their favorite outings was a tour of the Sawgrass golf course. They used their patient discounts at the Jacksonville Zoo, Cummer Museum, MOSH and Cattyshack.

Kama continues to monitor her health and is looking forward to the future. She looks forward to getting back into her routine at home and spending time with the Anderson’s two adult children and labradoodle.


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